Become a Shareholder

As a shareholder,

you will share in the profits returned through rebates and dividends. These distributions are generally by way of further shares. There is also the option to reinvest any dividends by participating in the dividend election plan, which converts any cash dividends into further shares.

Election of Directors

At each annual meeting, two current directors retire automatically by rotation. The retiring directors can stand for re-election (if eligible). Further information about director nominations can be downloaded below.

Separate to the Election of Directors , eligible nominees can stand for the Election of Trustees for the MG Charitable Trust (MG Trust)

Shareholder's AGM 

Market Gardeners Limited's last Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held on 21 November 2024, at the Rydges Latimer in Christchurch. 

The Notice of Meeting (which records the meeting’s agenda) is sent to Shareholders mid-late October each year.